Karan Thompson Consulting | We work with you to maximise your potential

Operational Masterplan for Yeats2015

Operational Masterplan for Yeats2015

Home  »  Case Studies Operational Masterplan for Yeats2015 Project: Operational Masterplan for Yeats2015 Client: Western Development Commission Role: Project Manager and Author   Yeats2015 presented a local, national and international series of exhibitions,...
A Plan to Develop a Cultural Quarter in Waterford

A Plan to Develop a Cultural Quarter in Waterford

Home  »  Case Studies A Plan to Develop a Cultural Quarter in Waterford Project: A Plan to Develop a Cultural Quarter in Waterford Client: Waterford City and County Council Role: Project Director and Author   Following Waterford’s leadership of the Three Sisters...
Expansion Opportunities for the National Sculpture Factory

Expansion Opportunities for the National Sculpture Factory

Home  »  Case Studies Expansion Opportunities for the National Sculpture Factory Project: Expansion Opportunities for the National Sculpture Factory Client: National S culpture Factory, Cork Role: Researcher and Author   The National Sculpture Factory (NSF) is a...
Three Sisters 2020 – European Capital of Culture Bid

Three Sisters 2020 – European Capital of Culture Bid

Home  »  Case Studies Three Sisters 2020 – European Capital of Culture Bid Project: Three Sisters 2020 – European Capital of Culture Bid Client: Kilkenny County Council, Waterford City and County Council and Wexford County Council Role: Bid Adviser, Writer and...